Saturday, August 4, 2018

Our Newport 16 "Match'd"

One day on the way home from work I spotted this decent looking yet "affordable" looking small sailboat. I mentioned it to Judy (my wife) when I got home. We have both always been interested in sailing, but neither of us ever had. We have both been on sailboats, but never really sailed them ourselves.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Savage seat mod...

I'm seeking a lower profile seat for my Suzuki Savage. I have a pretty rough shape "doner" seat from one I have dicected in the name of research!

Well, I have decided on a different plan of attack!
I found an eBay seller who has 25+ years in the automotive upholstery bussiness.
They offered a custom hand sewn marine grade vinyl cover for what I felt was a DAMN good price.
I recieved it Thursday, I work 2nd shift, so when I got home I located my best seat foam, a good seat pan and "mocked" it all up. Friday night after work, I stapled it all up
Saturday 189 miles riden, 197 riden Sunday

Next seat I do, and there WILL be another! I  want to incorporate this into the foam!